Write a program which allows an admissions personnel to enter the names of potential
students, points obtained and contact number in selected data structures. Based on the points
obtained apply the following the conditions:
Sciences combination 5-8 allocate AS
Sciences combination 9-11 allocate CS
Sciences combination 12-15 allocate GS or MED
Commercial combination 9-15 allocate IS
Arts combination 5-9 allocate Media
Arts combination 10-15 allocate Law
All points below 5 for Sciences recommend bridging
All points below 9 for commercials reject
All points below 5 for Arts reject
N.B. Maximum number of students enrolled per programme should not exceed 40.
name=input("Enter name: ")
points=int(input("Enter points: "))
contact=input("Enter contact: ")
print("1. Sciences combination\n2. Commercial combination\n3. Arts combination")
c=int(input("Enter a combination: "))
if c==1:
if points>=5 and points<=8:
elif points>=9 and points<=11:
elif points>=12 and points<=15:
course="GS or MED"
elif points<5:
print("Bridging is recommended")
elif c==2:
if points>=9 and points<=15:
elif points<9:
print("Commercials reject")
elif c==3:
if points>=5 and points<=9:
elif points>=10 and points<=15:
elif points<5:
print("Arts reject")
print("Invalid Input")
print(name," is enrolled ",course)
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