# Function to find the maximum profit earned by buying and
# selling shares any number of times
def findMaxProfit(price):
# keep track of the maximum profit gained
profit = 0
# initialize the local minimum to the first element's index
j = 0
# start from the second element
for i in range(1, len(price)):
# update the local minimum if a decreasing sequence is found
if price[i - 1] > price[i]:
j = i
# sell shares if the current element is the peak, i.e.,
# (`previous <= current > next`)
if price[i - 1] <= price[i] and \
(i + 1 == len(price) or price[i] > price[i + 1]):
profit += (price[i] - price[j])
print(f"Buy on day {j + 1} and sell on day {i + 1}")
return profit
if _name_ == '_main_':
price = [1, 5, 2, 3, 7, 6, 4, 5]
print("\nTotal profit earned is", findMaxProfit(price))
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