Add two polynomials
Given two polynomials A and B, write a program that adds the given two polynomials A and B.
The first line contains a single integer M.
Print the addition of polynomials A and B.
The format for printing polynomials is: Cix^Pi + Ci-1x^Pi-1 + .... + C1x + C0, where Pi's are powers in decreasing order, Ci is co-efficient and C0 is constant, there will be space before and after the plus or minus sign.
If co-efficient is zero then don't print the term.
If the term with highest degree is negative, the term should be represented as -Cix^Pi.
For the term where power is 1 represent it as C1x instead of C1x^1.
****If the degree of polynomial is zero and the constant term is also zero, then just print 0 to represent the polynomial.***veryimp
For term Cix^Pi, if the coefficient of the term Ci is 1, simply print x^Pi instead of 1x^Pi.
def sum_polyn(pol_A, pol_B,x,y):
S = max(x,y)
add = [0 for row in range(S )]
for n in range(0,x, 1):
add[n] = pol_A[n]
for n in range(y):
add[n] += pol_B[n]
return add
def display_pol(polyno, a):
for cols in range(a):
print(polyno[cols], end= " ")
if (cols != 0):
print("x^", cols, end=" ")
if (cols != a - 1):
print(" + ", end= " ")
Q = []
P = []
M = int(input("Input the size of the first polynomial:\t"))
n = int(input("Input the size of the second polynomial:"))
print("The elements of the second polynomial\t")
for element in range(M):
x, y = input("Enter the power and coefficient and separate them with space\t").split(' ')
print("The elements of the second polynomial\t")
for element in range(n):
x, y = input("Enter power and coefficient and separate them with space\t").split(' ')
print("First polynomial is")
display_pol(P, M)
print("Second polynomial is")
print("\n", end=" ")
sum = sum_polyn(Q, P, M, n)
size = max(M,n)
print("Sum polynomial is" )
import numpy as np
p = np.poly1d(sum)
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