Add two polynomials
Given two polynomials A and B, write a program that adds the given two polynomials A and B. Input:The first line contains a single integer M.
Next M lines contain two integers Pi, Ci separated with space, where Pi denotes power and Ci denotes co-efficient of Pi for polynomial A. After that next line contains a single integer N. Next N lines contain two integers Pj, Cj separated with space, where Pj denotes power and Cj denotes co-efficient of Pj for polynomial B.
input1:If M = 4 and for polynomial A
For power 0, co-efficient is 5
For power 1, co-efficient is 0
For power 2, co-efficient is 10
For power 3, co-efficient is 6.
If N = 3 and for polynomial B
For power 0, co-efficient is 1
For power 1, co-efficient is 2
For power 2, co-efficient is 4. outPut: addition of A and B is "6x^3 + 14x^2 + 2x + 6"
input2: output2:0
0 5
1 0
2 10
3 6
0 -5
1 0
2 -10
3 -6
def read_polynom():
n = int(input())
p = {}
for i in range(n):
L = input().split()
Pi = int(L[0])
Ci = int(L[1])
p[Pi] = Ci
return p
def add_polynomilas(p, q):
r = {}
Pis = set(p).union(q)
for Pi in Pis:
if Pi in p:
Ci = p[Pi]
Ci = 0.0
if Pi in q:
Ci += q[Pi]
if Ci != 0.0:
r[Pi] = Ci
return r
def tostring_polynom(p):
res = ''
first = True
for Pi in sorted(p, reverse=True):
Ci = p[Pi]
if first:
if Ci == 0 and Pi == 0:
return '0'
if Ci == 1 and Pi != 0:
elif Ci == -1 and Pi != 0:
res = '-'
res = f'{Ci}'
first = False
if Ci > 0:
res += ' + '
elif Ci < 0:
res += ' - '
res += f'{abs(Ci)}'
if Pi == 0:
if Pi == 1:
res += 'x'
res += f'x^{Pi}'
return res
def main():
p = read_polynom()
q = read_polynom()
r = add_polynomilas(p, q)
print(f'Add {tostring_polynom(p)} to {tostring_polynom(q)}')
print(f'results {tostring_polynom(r)}')
if __name__ == '__main__':
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