Add two polynomials
Given two polynomials A and B, write a program that adds the given two polynomials A and B.
The first line contains a single integer M.
Next M lines contain two integers Pi, Ci separated with space, where
Pi denotes power and Ci denotes co-efficient of Pi for polynomial A. After that next line contains a single integer N.
Next N lines contain two integers Pj, Cj separated with space, where Pj denotes power and Cj denotes co-efficient of Pj for polynomial B.
Please provide me a correct answer
# output format wasn't specified in the task
d = {}
for i in range(2):
for _ in range(int(input())):
p, c = map(int, input().split())
d[p] = d.get(p, 0) + c
output = ''
for pwr in sorted(d.keys(), reverse=True):
if d[pwr]:
if d[pwr] < 0:
output += '-'
output += '+'
if abs(d[pwr]) != 1:
output += str(abs(d[pwr]))
elif not pwr:
output += '1'
if pwr:
output += 'x'
if pwr != 1:
output += '^' + str(pwr)
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