# Method: Write levelsList to levelsFile (override the existing file)
def writeLevelsToFile(self):
# Open the file in a way that will override the existing file (if it already exists)
# Use a loop to iterate over levelsList item by item
# Convert everything in the item to a string and then add \n to it - before writing it to the file
# Close the file
#Replace all ellipsis with applicable code
# Method: Write levelsList to levelsFile (override the existing file)
def writeLevelsToFile(self):
# Open the file in a way that will override the existing file (if it already exists)
with open('myfile.txt', "r") as myfile:
data = myfilef.read()
# Use a loop to iterate over levelsList item by item
for each in myfile:
print (each)
# Convert everything in the item to a string and then add \n to it - before writing it to the file
file = open('myfile.txt','w')
for each in myfile:
print (str(each),"\n")
# Close the file
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