Write a program that reads all the match outcomes and summarizes the information of all the matches.
Points are given to the teams based on the outcome of the match.
A win earns a team 3 points. A draw earns 1. A loss earns 0.
The following information is expected:
MP: Matches Played
W: Matches Won
D: Matches Drawn (Tied)
L: Matches Lost
P: Points
def write_result(name_comand, result, results_list):
if len(results_list) > 0:
for i in range(len(results_list)):
if results_list[i][0] == name_comand:
results_list[i][1] = [a + b for a, b in zip(results_list[i][1], result)]
return results_list
results_list.append([name_comand, result])
return results_list
while True:
games = int(input('games played: '))
if games < 0:
print('must be an integer greater than or equal to zero')
except ValueError:
print('must be an integer greater than or equal to zero')
matches_score = list()
while games > 0:
tmp = input().split(sep=';')
if len(tmp) != 3 or tmp[2] not in ['loss', 'draw', 'win']:
print('incorrect input. must be \"first team;second team;result\"')
games -= 1
res = list()
w = [1, 1, 0, 0, 3]
l = [1, 0, 1, 0, 0]
d = [1, 0, 0, 1, 1]
for i in range(len(matches_score)):
if matches_score[i][2] == 'win':
res = write_result(matches_score[i][0], w, res)
res = write_result(matches_score[i][1], l, res)
elif matches_score[i][2] == 'loss':
res = write_result(matches_score[i][0], l, res)
res = write_result(matches_score[i][1], w, res)
res = write_result(matches_score[i][0], d, res)
res = write_result(matches_score[i][1], d, res)
res.sort(key=lambda i: i[1][4], reverse=True)
if len(res) == 0:
print('No Output')
for el in res:
print('Team: {}, Matches Played: {}, Won: {}, Lost: {}, Draw: {}, Points: {}'.format(el[0],*el[1]))
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