Matrix Rotations
You are given a square matrix A of dimensions NxN. You need to apply the below given 3 operations on the matrix A.
Rotation: It is represented as R S where S is an integer in {90, 180, 270, 360, 450, ...} which denotes the number of degrees to rotate. You need to rotate the matrix A by angle S in the clockwise direction.
The angle of rotation(S) will always be in multiples of 90 degrees. Update: It is represented as U X Y Z. In initial matrix A (as given in input), you need to update the element at row index X and column index Y with value Z.
After the update, all the previous rotation operations have to be applied to the updated initial matrix. Querying: It is represented as Q K L. You need to print the value at row index K and column index L of the matrix A.
Input Next N lines contain N space-separated integers Aij Next lines contain various operations on the array.
Each operation on each line (Beginning either with R, U or Q). -1 will represent the end of input
def rotate_matr(m:list, n:int):
for i in range(n):
m = [*zip(*m)]
for j in range(len(m)):
m[j] = list(reversed(m[j]))
return m
matrix = []
#input matrix
matrix.append(list(map(int, input('A[0] ').split())))
for i in range(len(matrix[0])-1):
matrix.append(list(map(int, input(f'A[{i+1}] ').split())))
R = 0
tmp_matr = matrix
while True:
com = input('command ')
if com == '-1':
elif com.split()[0] == 'R':
r = int(((int(com.split()[1]))/90) % 4)
R += r
R %= 4
tmp_matr = rotate_matr(tmp_matr, r)
elif com.split()[0] == 'U':
x, y, z = map(int, com.split()[1:4])
matrix[x][y] = z
tmp_matr = rotate_matr(matrix, R)
elif com.split()[0] == 'Q':
k, l = map(int, com.split()[1:3])
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