Project 3: Amazon book store
Implement a program that manages the order process of Amazon for customers willing to buy books. Amazon has a list of books that can be purchased online. Each book is described: title, publishing house, and a list of authors (there might be more than one author if it is an academic book) and a price. The user can select the book/s he/she wishes to buy and then purchase them. The data are stored into a json file. The application should manage the following characteristics: search for a book by title name search for a book by author name (remember that the book might have more than one author) add a book to the chart calculate the total cost
For the chart feel free to use a dedicated file. The above functionalities are implemented through methods of a class named Amazon. The application interacts with the user through a menu where the user is asked for the next action to undertake (e.g., 1 Search book, 2-
Add book to chart, etc.) Put coments in your code.
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