Write a program ( using loop ) that reads five marks and computes the average. Use the sample code from today’s lesson on adding three numbers to help you get started.
b) Modify the program to also output the lowest and highest mark.
c) Modify the program to check if the mark entered is between 0 and 100.
d) Modify the program to ask the user to enter -1 when done entering marks.
e) Write the same program using Try and except statement
print('Please enter marks in range [0;100] in one line separated by space.')
print('Enter -1 when done entering marks:')
numbers = [int(i) for i in input().split()]
marks = []
for i in numbers:
if i == -1:
elif i < 0 or i > 100:
raise ValueError('The mark', i, 'is not in range [0;100]')
if len(marks) == 0:
raise ValueError('No marks entered')
min_mark = marks[0]
max_mark = marks[0]
sum = 0
for i in marks:
sum += i
min_mark = min_mark if i > min_mark else i
max_mark = max_mark if i < max_mark else i
print('average mark:', sum/len(marks))
print('lowest mark: ', min_mark)
print('highest mark:', max_mark)
except ValueError as err:
print('Error: ', err)
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