Given list of students’ records. Write a program with signature as below: Method Name: getStudentsWithMarksMoreThan() Input: marks – Integer Output: List of Students having marks more than input Also add Unit Test case – both positive and negative. You can do in choice of your language (Any high level language like – Java, Python, PHP, C#, JavaScript) For example JSON given below of 3 students for your reference.
Dictionary is the basic structure in Python
It is logical to take student data records as a dictionary where the dictionary
key is the student's name and the value is an integer list
(the number of points for various subjects)
def getStudentsWithMarksMoreThan(arg_dict, mark):
result = []
for key in arg_dict:
if all([item > mark for item in arg_dict[key]]):
return result
# correct example
students = {}
students['Boo']= [1,2,3,2]
students['Foo'] = [3,4,3,3]
students['Goo'] = [4,4,4,4]
# Display of names of students with all scores greater than 2
# output :Foo, Goo
print (* getStudentsWithMarksMoreThan(students, 2),sep=', ')
# Incorrect test - the user enters characters instead of integer values
# for the purpose of deception
students_bag = {}
students_bag['Aoo']= ['6','8','7']
students_bag['Doo']= ['60','80','70']
students_bag['Coo']= ['10','20','30']
# output result Aoo, Doo ;evaluation criterion more than 50
# Doo mistakenly listed
print (* getStudentsWithMarksMoreThan(students_bag, '50'),sep=', ')
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