write a tkinter gui program in python that collects contact details from the user. Contact details refer to the contact’s full name (first name and last name), phone number, date of birth and a category that the contact belongs to (Friends, Family, Work, Other)
The Phone Book will display the following Menu and will support the corresponding functionality: **************** Phone book Menu******************
Enter your choice:
1: Add a new contact
2: Remove an existing contact
3: Look up a contact
4: Update a contact phone number
5: Display all contacts
6: Delete all contacts
7: Exit phonebook
import re
#addData function takes file name add data to it
def AddData(fileName):
global uniqueID#unieque ID data to save in file
regex = '^[a-z0-9]+[\._]?[a-z0-9]+[@]\w+[.]\w{2,3}$'#regex pattern for email id
while fname.isnumeric():#if name have numeric value keep asking
fname=input("enter first Name:")
while lname.isnumeric():#if name have numeric value keep asking
lname=input("enter last Name:")
#if length <10
#if phone do not start with 04
#if phone alpha numeric keep asking
while not phone.isnumeric() or len(phone)<10 or not phone.startswith("04"):
phone=input("Enter phone number: ")
#use regex for email
while not re.search(regex,email):
email=input("enter email address: ")
file_object = open(fileName, 'a')#open file in append mode
#create a string string of data
data=str(uniqueID)+" . "+fname+" "+lname+" "+phone+" "+email+"\n"
file_object.write(data)#write data to file
file_object.close()#close file object
uniqueID+=1#increment unique id by 1
print("Data Added successfully!")#prompt user for successfull message
except FileNotFoundError:#throw exception
#view data function
def ViewData(fileName):
fileObject = open(fileName, 'r') #open file in reading mode
#create a list of all ines
Lines = fileObject.readlines() #read all lines
#run a loop in list
for line in Lines:#get each lines
if len(line)>10:#check for valid line
List=line.split(' ')#split by space
print(List[0],List[1]," Name: ",List[2],List[3]," phone: ",List[4])
print("Email : ",List[5])#print data
#close file
def DeleteData(fileName,uniqueID):#file name to open and unique id to deletedata
count=0#number of lines to track
findFlag=False#flag unique id found or not
read_file = open(fileName, "r")#open file in reading mode
read_lines = read_file.readlines()#store all lines
read_file.close()#close file object
for line in read_lines:#traverse through each line
List=line.rstrip().split(' ')#remove new line split line by space
if List[0]==str(uniqueID):#if id found delete that line from list
del read_lines[count]
findFlag=True#set flag to true
count+=1#increment line number
writeFile=open(fileName,'w')#open file in writing mode
#write each line to file
for line in read_lines:
writeFile.close()#close file object
#print message for success or not found
if findFlag:
print("Data Deleted successfully!")
print("unique id data not found .")
if __name__ == "__main__":
uniqueID=1001#unique id
while True:
#print menu
print("Press number to select option.")
print("1. View Details")
print("2. ADD Details")
print("3. Delete Details")
print("4. exit program")
#get choice
choice=int(input("Enter your choice: "))#prompt to user
if choice==1:#view data
elif choice==2:#add data
elif choice==3:#get unique id
ID=int(input("Enter unique ID to delete: "))
DeleteData("contact.txt",ID)#delete id
elif choice==4:#exit message
print(" good bye. ")
else:#invalid choice
print("Please enter valid choice.")
except ValueError:
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