Given a string, write a program to print a secret message that replaces characters with numbers 'a' with 1, 'b' with 2, ..., 'z' with 26 where characters are separated by '-'.
Note: You need to replace both uppercase and lowercase characters. You can ignore replacing all characters that are not letters.
The input will be a string in the single line containing spaces and letters (both uppercase and lowercase).
The output should be a single line containing the secret message. All characters in the output should be in lower case.
For Example -
Input 1:-
Output 1:-
Input 2:-
Output 2:-
Input 3:-
python learning
Output 3:-
16-25-20-8-15-14 12-5-1-18-14-9-14-7
Note:- there is a space between two strings that means 16-25-20-8-15-14 12-5-1-18-14-9-14-7
We want given both three inputs they can get both three outputs we code was run one by one input and output
import string
code = {}
for i, ch in enumerate(string.ascii_letters):
code[ch] = i+1
inpt = input()
wasCode = False
for ch in inpt:
ch = ch.lower()
if ch in code:
if wasCode:
print('-', end='')
print(code[ch], end='')
wasCode = True
print(ch, end='')
wasCode = False
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