You have been given an encrypted copy of the Final exam study guide here, but how do you decrypt and read it???
Along with the encrypted copy, some mysterious person has also given you the following documents:
helloworld.txt -- Maybe this file decrypts to say "Hello world!". Hmmm.
def pennycost(c): #using to calculate the pennyvalue
if c >="a" and c <="z":
return ord(c)-96
elif c>="A" and c<="Z":
return ord(c)-64
def decryption(inputfile,outputfile): #decryption function definition
with open(inputfile) as f: #opening a file to read
fo = open(outputfile,"w") #opening the file to write
count = 0 #count is the number to skip
while True: #continue reading one character per iteration
c =
if not c: #if end of line then break the loop
if count > 0: #if the count is not zero continue skipping
count = count -1;
elif c.isalpha(): #if the char is an alphabet
count = pennycost(c) #compute the penny cost
fo.write(c) #write the alphabet to output file
elif c.isdigit(): #similarly check if the char is digit
count = int(c) #get its integer value
fo.write(c) #write it to the output
count = 6 #otherwise have to skip 6 chars
fo.close() #closing the outputfile
inputfile = input("Please enter the input file name: ")
outputfile = input("Plese enter the output file name(EXISTING FILE WILL BE OVER WRITTEN!): ")
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