Submit your Python script file in the posting of your assignment. Your Python script should be either a .txt file or a .py file.
You must execute your script and paste the output produced into a document that you will submit along with your Python script.
It is very helpful if you print a placeholder between the printing of 9 lines and the printing of 25 lines. It will make your output easier to read for your peer assessors. A placeholder can be output such as “Printing nine lines” or “Calling clearScreen()”.
The following items will be used in the grading rubric for this assignment. Make sure that you have addressed each item in your assignment.
def new_line(place_holder =''):
print(place_holder,end ='\n')
def three_lines(place_holder =''):
print(place_holder,end ='\n')
print(place_holder,end ='\n')
print(place_holder,end ='\n')
def nine_lines(place_holder =''):
three_lines(place_holder = place_holder)
three_lines(place_holder = place_holder)
three_lines(place_holder = place_holder)
def clear_screen(place_holder =''):
nine_lines(place_holder = place_holder)
nine_lines(place_holder = place_holder)
three_lines(place_holder = place_holder)
three_lines(place_holder = place_holder)
new_line(place_holder = place_holder)
print('New line')
print('Printing tree lines with placeholder"-"')
print('Printing nine lines with placeholder"."')
print('Clear screen')
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