Given a range represented by two positive integers L and R. Find the number lying in the range having the maximum product of the digits.
def product(x):
prod = 1
while (x):
prod *= (x % 10)
x //= 10
return prod
def findNumber(l, r):
a = str(l)
b = str(r)
ans = r
for i in range(len(b)):
if b[i] == '0':
curr = list(b)
curr[i] = str(((ord(curr[i]) - ord('0')) - 1) + ord('0'))
for j in range(i + 1, len(curr)):
curr[j] = str(ord('9'))
num = 0
for c in curr:
num = num * 10 + (int(c) - ord('0'))
if num >= l and product(ans) < product(num):
ans = num
return ans
if __name__ == "__main__":
l, r = int(input()), int(input())
print(findNumber(l, r))
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