The minimal requirements of your program are:
• Present the user with a menu, wherein s/he may decide:
◦ Which dishes to make (with up to four dishes, this means up to 4 threads)
◦ The number of each dish to prepare (ideally a separate number for each dish)
◦ How often should progress be reported? (Explained further below)
• Start a thread for each dish
◦ Each type should be implemented into its own thread, since it has its own lock requirements
◦ Each dish tries to report upon completing one (subject to above/below)
◦ Each dish type always reports when completed its iterations
▪ Obviously there's no reporting if none are being made at all
• The program then reports on the total number of dishes produced
• If this isn't obvious, increasing the tally and output are also a 'resource'
Write your threads immensely clearly, and comment it.
• Comment usefully. Don't add nonsense like identifying that a loop “loops”, or that .lock() “locks”
• Also, proper indentation, please?
Obviously, you'll have several .java files for this (if using Java).
Pseudo Code:
import threading
lock=threading.Semaphore() #We had some interesting options here
def worker(id):
global todo, confirmed
print("\t"+str(id)+" thinking...")
while True:
#We could do extra work here
lock.acquire() #Either acquire
the lock, or block until it's ready
if todo==0:
#We could also do work here
print("\t"+str(id)+" completed!")
t1=threading.Thread(target=worker, args=(1,))
t2=threading.Thread(target=worker, args=(2,))
Output Should be like
would you like any frozen pizzas? (y/n)y
How many would you like 1000000
would you like any pastas? (y/n)y
How many would you like 1000000
would you like any pizzas? (y/n)y
How many would you like 1000000
would you like any chicken? (y/n)y
How many would you like 1000000
At what rate would you like to recieve reports? 100000
Frozen pizzas starting...
Pastas starting...
Pizzas starting...
Chicken starting...
100000 Frozen Pizzas completed!
200000 Frozen Pizzas completed!
300000 Frozen Pizzas
400000 Frozen Pizzas completed!
500000 Frozen Pizzas completed!
600000 Frozen Pizzas completed!
700000 Frozen Pizzas completed!
100000 Chickens completed!
800000 Frozen Pizzas completed!
900000 Frozen Pizzas completed!
1000000 Frozen Pizzas completed!
Frozen Pizzas Complete
100000 Pastas completed!
100000 Pizzas completed!
200000 Chickens completed!
200000 Pizzas completed!
300000 Chickens completed!
300000 Pizzas completed!
200000 Pastas completed!
400000 Chickens completed!
400000 Pizzas completed!
500000 Chickens completed!
300000 Pastas completed!
500000 Pizzas completed!
600000 Chickens completed!
600000 Pizzas completed!
700000 Chickens completed!
400000 Pastas completed!
700000 Pizzas completed!
800000 Chickens completed!
800000 Pizzas completed!
500000 Pastas completed!
900000 Chickens completed!
900000 Pizzas completed!
1000000 Chickens completed!
Chicken Complete
600000 Pastas completed!
1000000 Pizzas completed!
Pizzas Complete
700000 Pastas completed!
800000 Pastas completed!
900000 Pastas completed!
1000000 Pastas completed!
Pastas Complete
4000000 items made
import threading
todo = 2000000
confirmed = 0
lock = threading.Semaphore()
def worker(id):
global todo, confirmed
print("\t"+str(id)+" thinking...")
while True:
if todo==0:
todo -= 1
confirmed += 1
print("\t"+str(id)+" completed!")
t1=threading.Thread(target=worker, args=(1,))
t2=threading.Thread(target=worker, args=(2,))
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