In this assignment, you will use all of the graphics commands you have learned to create an animated scene. Your program should have a clear theme and tell a story. You may pick any school-appropriate theme that you like.
The program must include a minimum of:
You may wish to use the standard code for simplegui graphics below:
import simplegui
def draw_handler(canvas):
frame = simplegui.create_frame('Testing', 600, 600)
from math import sqrt
import simpleguik
except ImportError:
import SimpleGUICS2Pygame.simpleguics2pygame as simplegui
message = 'Welcome! Click your mouse to start animation'
colors = ['Green', 'Red', 'Yellow']
color = 0
width = 600
height = 600
limits = [20, width, 180, height]
square_size = 25
circle_size = 0.5 * sqrt(2) * square_size
position = [limits[0], limits[2]]
pen_width = 4
pen_hwidth = 2
font_size = 24
hacked = False
def keydown(key):
global color
color = (color + 1) % len(colors)
def click(position):
global message, hacked
message = 'Y got H.@.C.K.E.DDD !!!'
hacked = True
def square(x, y, a):
return [[x, y], [x + a, y], [x + a, y + a], [x, y + a]]
def center(x, y, a):
return x + a / 2.0, y + a / 2.0
def plus(x, y, a):
cx = x + a / 2.0
cy = y + a / 2.0
return [[[cx, y], [cx, y + a]], [[x, cy], [x + a, cy]]]
def screensaver(canvas):
global position
position[0] += 2
if not position[0] < limits[1] - square_size:
position[0] = limits[0]
position[1] += 3
if not position[1] < limits[3] - square_size:
position[1] = limits[2]
for i in range(5):
dx, dy = i * square_size / 2., i * square_size / 0.7,
# dx, dy = 0, 0
px, py = position[0] + dx, position[1] + dy
if px >= limits[1] - square_size:
px = limits[0] + px - limits[1] + square_size
if py >= limits[3] - square_size:
py = limits[2] + py - limits[3] + square_size
sq = square(px, py, square_size)
canvas.draw_polygon(sq, pen_width, 'White')
cnt = center(px, py, square_size)
canvas.draw_circle(cnt, circle_size, pen_width / 2, colors[color])
pl = plus(px, py, square_size)
for ln in pl:
canvas.draw_line(ln[0], ln[1], pen_width / 2, 'Blue')
def draw_handler(canvas):
text_width = frame.get_canvas_textwidth(message, font_size)
centered_x = (width - text_width) / 2
canvas.draw_text(message, [centered_x, 112], font_size, 'Red')
if hacked:
frame = simplegui.create_frame('Animation', width, height)
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