Prefix Suffix
Write a program to check the overlapping of one string's suffix with the prefix of another string.
The first line of the input will contain a string A.
The second line of the input will contain a string B.
The output should contain overlapping word if present else print "No overlapping".
For example, if the given two strings, A and B, are "ramisgood" "goodforall"
The output should be "good" as good overlaps as a suffix of the first string and prefix of next.
import re
#implementatio using loop + slicing + startswith()
def overlapping(l,k):
for char in range(len(str_A)):
if str_B.startswith(str_A[char:]):
res = str_A[char:]
print("\nString A:", str_A)
print("String B:", str_B)
print("\nOverlapping String: " + str(res))
print("\nString A:", str_A)
print("String B:", str_B)
print ("\nNo overlapping")
print ("Input string A:")
str_A = str(input())
print("\nInput string B:")
str_B = str(input())
overlapping(str_A, str_B)
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