Type the statements below into your Python interpreter. For each statement, copy the output into your Discussion Assignment and explain the output. Compare it with any similar examples in the textbook, and describe what it means about your version of Python.
>>> print 'Hello, World!'
>>> 1/2
>>> type(1/2)
>>> print(01)
>>> 1/(2/3)
>>> print 'Hello, World!'
#the interpreter's response
>>>SyntaxError: unexpected indent
#in python ver 3 print() is a function
#the correct syntax would be
#print ('Hello, World!')
#print 'Hello, World!' will display
#Hello, World!
#for example in python version 2.7
>>> 1/2
#the interpreter's response
#division operator executed
#returned result is a floating point value
>>> type(1/2)
#the interpreter's response
>>><class 'float'>
#type() method returns class type of the argument
#in this case argument is the result of division
#in the previous example, it was indicated that the
#result of division is a floating point value
>>> print(01)
#the interpreter's response
>>> SyntaxError: leading zeros in decimal integer literals are not permitted
#in python, a leading zero is used to denote number systems
# as an example 0b - bin or 0x -hex
# value 01 interpreter interprets as possible user input error
>>> 1/(2/3)
#the interpreter's response
>>> 1.5
#the result of the division is displayed,
#taking into account the priority of the action in parentheses
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