1. Convert the following unsigned binary numbers to a decimal base: 011011, 001001
2. Convert the following decimal numbers to a binary base: 33, 44
3. Convert the following unsigned binary number to hexadecimal base: 01101101, 0010010111
4. Convert the following hexadecimal numbers to a binary base: 0xEA5D, 0x11A
5. In the following perform addition of unsigned binary numbers. Solve each problem and convert your result to a decimal base for verification (a) 0101 +0001, (b) 1101 +1110, (c) 0111 +1000, (d) 0111 +1010
6. Find the decimal equivalent for each binary fraction.
a. 1101.0111
b. 111.111
c. 101.01011
7. Find the binary equivalent for each decimal fraction.
a. 32.45
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