what are the characteristics that distinguish optical fiber from twisted pair or coaxial cable?
Expert's answer
Thefollowing characteristics distinguish optical fiber from twisted pair or coaxial cable:
1. Greater capacity: thepotential bandwidth, and hence data rate, of optical fiber is immense; data rates of 2 Gbps over tens of kilometers have been demonstrated.
2. Smaller size and lighterweight: optical fibers are considerably thinner than coaxial cable or bundled twisted-pair cable-at least an order of magnitude thinner for comparable information-transmission capacity.
3. Lower attenuation: attenuationis significantly lower for optical fiber than for coaxial cable or twisted pair and is constant over a wide range.
4. Electromagnetic isolation: opticalfiber systems are not affected by external electromagnetic fields. Thus, the system is not vulnerable to interference, impulse noise, or crosstalk.
5. Greater repeater spacing: Fewerrepeaters means lower cost and fewer sources of error. The performance of optical fiber systems from this point of view has been steadily improving.
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