Use pseudocode to design a suitable program. In your program, make use of subprograms with parameters and arguments.
Develop a menu-driven program that inputs a number X, and at the user's option, finds and displays the area (A) of one of the following:
* A square with side X, A = x^2
* A circle with radius X, A = 3.14 * X^2
* An equilateral triangle with side X, A = Sqrt (3) / 4 * X^2
Expert's answer
// Question_4383.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application. // #include "stdafx.h" #include "iostream" #include "cmath" using namespace std; int A_square_with_side_X( const int X ); float A_circle_with_radius_X( const int X ); float An_equilateral_triangle_with_side_X( const int X ); int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) { for(;;){ cout << "1. A square with side X\n"; cout << "2. A circle with radius X\n"; cout << "3. An equilateral triangle with side X\n"; cout << "4. exit \n"; cout << "? >>"; int num; cin >> num; switch(num){ case 1:{ int X; cout << "input X >>"; cin >> X; cout << "A =" << A_square_with_side_X(X)<<"\n"; break; }; case 2:{ int X; cout << "input X >>"; cin >> X; cout << "A =" << A_circle_with_radius_X(X)<<"\n"; break; }; case 3:{ int X; cout << "input X >>"; cin >> X; cout << "A =" << An_equilateral_triangle_with_side_X(X)<<"\n"; break; }; case 4:{ exit(0); } }; } return 0; }; int A_square_with_side_X( const int X ) { return X*X; }; float A_circle_with_radius_X( const int X ) { return 3.14*( X * X); }; float An_equilateral_triangle_with_side_X( const int X ) { return sqrt(3.0)/(4*(X*X)); };
Can someone show me this problem, but using Java. Thanks
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