using namespacestd;
intmain() {
string time24;
string time12;
int hour;
string minutes;
string period;
const string sentinel = "9999";
cout << "Pleaseenter the hour and minutes in 24hr format (ex. 0101 1234 2311)" <<endl;
cin >>time24;
while (time24!= sentinel) {
hour =stoi(time24.substr(0, 2));
if (hour> 11) {
if (hour> 12) {
hour =hour - 12;
period = "p.m.";
} else {
if (hour== 0) {
hour =hour + 12;
period = "a.m.";
minutes =time24.substr(2, 2);
time12 =to_string(hour) + "." +minutes + " " +period;
cout <<time12 << endl;
cout << "Pleaseenter the hour and minutes in 24hr format (ex. 0101 1234 2311)" <<endl;
cin >>time24;
return 0;
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