A computer system is using pentium-5 processor with 5 stages in pipeline processing with cycle time
of 5ns, whereas another computer system is using pentium-7 processor with 7 stages in pipeline
processing with cycle time of 3.75 ns. A program is executing which is containing a loop of 5
instructions in that four arithmetic instructions and a branch instruction which is at the beginning of
the loop). There are dependencies in arithmetic instruction but are consecutive. Due to this
dependency there are stalls in pipeline. Pentium-5 processor gives 1 stall, whereas Pentium 7
processor gives 2 stalls. Due to branch instruction Pentium-5 processor induces 3 stalls and Pentium-
7 processor induces 5 stalls. According to these statements, which one of the following is TRUE?
(a) Pentium 5 processor will execute the program much faster in steady state.
(b) Pentium 7 processor will execute the program much faster in steady state.
(c) Both will execute with the same speed
(d) None of these
Expert's answer
Statement (b) is true, because higher speed ofPentium-7 provides faster processing stalls in pipeline
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