Step 1: Be open-minded. Beyond all the technology, Cloud Computing is about “change” of one kind or another. It might be change through the blurring of lines between technology (eg. virtual servers, virtual switches, virtualized storage), but it’s also about changing how technology is consumed by the users/business.
Step 2: As much as different Cloud “religions” want to tell you they are different, they are really about 80% the same. Pick one approach (VMware, OpenStack, CloudStack, Amazon AWS, etc.) and dive in. You’ll find that many of the concepts are applicable to any of the others.
Step 3: Be active in at least one of the Cloud Computing communities. It’s a great bunch of people who are willing to share. Learn, do, ask questions….rinse, repeat. This is a rapidly changing technology space, so getting actively involved early is important for both your technology and people-networking skills.
Step 4: Show your work. If you only have a certification and the next person has a certification + blog showing details and videos of their work, who do you think will get the job?
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