When working with Queue, we should remember that we insert the elements at the end of the Queue and remove them from the beginning of the Queue. Let's consider step-by-step the sequence of operations that are performed on an empty Queue Q:
1) ADD(1,Q), ADD(2,Q) - at this step we add to empty Queue two elements (1, 2), so we
have the following Queue: (1, 2);
2) REMOVE(Q) - at this step we remove the first element located at the head of Queue (1)
and then we have the following Queue: (2);
3) ADD(1,Q), ADD(2,Q) - at this step we add two new elements at the tail of Queue, and Queue
looks like: (2, 1, 2);
4) REMOVE(Q), REMOVE(Q), REMOVE(Q) - at this step we consistently remove elements located at the head of Queue (2, 1, 2) and Queue becomes empty;
5) ADD(2,Q), REMOVE(Q) - at this step we add to empty Queue one element (2) and then remove it.
Finally, we have the following sequence of the removed values: 1, 2, 1, 2, 2.
Therefore, the answer is d)
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