Use the battery voltage and current data imported to calculate the battery power P as follows
P = UI where P is the battery power [W], U is the battery voltage [V] and I is the battery current
[A] battery voltage in V [Pack Volts]
battery current in A [Pack Amps]
2. Plot each variable listed below against time in a form of subplot.
There should be 6 subplots in a single figure aligned in 2 columns and 3 rows.
Use different line colour for each data. Add labels to all axes.
• time in seconds [Time]
• speed in km/h [Speed]
• gear [Gear]
• elevation in meters [Elv]
• SOC (state-of-charge) in % [SOC]
• battery voltage in V [Pack Volts]
• battery current in A [Pack Amps]
On the same figure plot all four obtained powers in kW against time. Use different line styles for each power, e.g. solid line, dashed line, dotted line or dash-dot line. Add labels to all axes. Add title, legend and grid to the figure.
close all,
clear all,
Use the battery voltage and current data imported to calculate the battery power P as follows
P = UI where P is the battery power [W], U is the battery voltage [V] and I is the battery current
[A] battery voltage in V [Pack Volts]
battery current in A [Pack Amps]
2. Plot each variable listed below against time in a form of subplot.
There should be 6 subplots in a single figure aligned in 2 columns and 3 rows.
Use different line colour for each data. Add labels to all axes.
• time in seconds [Time]
• speed in km/h [Speed]
• gear [Gear]
• elevation in meters [Elv]
• SOC (state-of-charge) in % [SOC]
• battery voltage in V [Pack Volts]
• battery current in A [Pack Amps]
t = 0:1:100; %Time Step
Load = 10; % Ohms
P=[]; %power
Vel = []; %Speed
Gear= []; %Gear
SOC = []; %Soc
V = []; %Voltage
A = []; %Current
for r=1:length(t)
A(r) = V(r)/Load;
P(r) = V(r) * A(r);
Vel(r) = V(r)*rand();
SOC(r) = Vel(r)*rand;
Gear(r) = SOC(r)*rand();
scrsz = get(0,'ScreenSize');
figure('Position',[scrsz(1)+Dim, scrsz(2)+Dim,scrsz(3)-20,scrsz(4)-100]);
plot(t,V,'r'); grid on, hold on,
xlabel('--- Time(t) --->');
ylabel('--- Voltage (V) --->');
title('Plot: Voltage','FontSize',20);
plot(t,A,'g'); grid on, hold on,
xlabel('--- Time(t) --->');
ylabel('--- Current(A) --->');
title('Plot: Current (A)','FontSize',20);
plot(t,P,'b'); grid on, hold on,
xlabel('--- Time(t) --->');
ylabel('--- Power --->');
title('Plot: Power','FontSize',20);
plot(t,Vel,'k'); grid on, hold on,
xlabel('--- Time(t) --->');
ylabel('--- Speed --->');
title('Plot: Speed','FontSize',20);
plot(t,SOC,'m'); grid on, hold on,
xlabel('--- Time(t) --->');
ylabel('--- SOC --->');
title('Plot: SOC','FontSize',20);
plot(t,Gear,'c'); grid on, hold on,
xlabel('--- Time(t) --->');
ylabel('--- Gear --->');
title('Plot: Gear','FontSize',20);
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