compute Reimann sum of the function f(x)=e^(-x^2) for n=4 and n=10 by choosing ck at the right end of the point of the interval [0,2]
% Equations to solve the equations
% eqn1 at Node V1: (5/2)V1-V2+0V3-V4=-5
% eqn2 at node V2: -V1+(7/4)V2-(1/4)V3+0V4=0
% eqn3 at node V3: 0V1-(1/4)V2+(5/4)V3-V4=6
% eqn4 at node V4: -V1+0V2-V3+(7/3)V4=2
% from the above equations we can form a matrix equation as AV=B, where
A=[5/2 -1 0 -1; -1 7/4 -1/4 0; 0 -1/4 5/4 -1; -1 0 -1 7/3];
% V=[V1;V2;V3;V4];
%Ans: V = [0.77844; 1.7725; 9.2934; 5.1737]
% if S is included
% syms S
% A=[5/2 -1 0 -1; -1 7/4 -1/4 0; 0 -1/4 5/4 -1; -1 0 -1 7/3];
% B=[-5*S;0;6*S;2*S];
% % V=[V1;V2;V3;V4];
% V=A^(-1)*B;
% %Ans: V = [(130*S)/167; (296*S)/167; (1552*S)/167; (864*S)/167]
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