These are queries that use the full Red Cat Database as shown in Figure 3.1. You must use the full Red Cat tables of Customer, Sale, SaleItem, Product, Manufacturer, and Employee tables.
For each information request below, formulate a single SQL query to produce the required information.
1. Show the product name, city, and state for all manufacurers located in New York (NY), Oklahoma (OK), Florida (FL). Order alphabetically (ascending) by state and then product name.
2. Show the customer first name, last name, city and state for all in San Francisco and San Diego. Include customers from California where city begins with letter A.
3. Which customer lives in city New York? First name, last name, city, phone number.
4. Show the customer's first name, customer's last name, customer's city ('CustCity'), product name, list price for all products made by manufacturers in Arizona and purchased by customers in Oklahoma City or Tulsa.
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