Consider a saturable absorber located at the end of a laser cavity whose transmission function is given by:
T=exp (-a*d)
where d is the thickness of the saturable absorber, and a is the absorption coefficient given by:
where Isat is the saturation intensity.
Generate a starting optical pulse within the laser cavity to represent photon noise within the cavity by using a random number generator in the range of [0,1] representing the intensity of 100 points within one round trip. Taking a0=20 cm-1 and d=0.1 cm,calculate the intensity distribution in the laser after 100,1000 and 10000 transits. After each transit, renormalize the peak intensity point to I=Isat. Repeat five times for five different random starting distributions and give plots of input and output distributions for each of your five runs at the three different output times.
Ignore the change in intensity
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