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Develop a swing application for login validation of a system as shown in the figure. The

application shows two options: one Sign up and another Sign in. When Sign up is selected, a

new screen will appear for asking name, username, password. If the entered username and

password do not exist in the database, it will show a successful message [Name] has

successfully registered and store corresponding username, password in the database,

otherwise the message [Name] already exists in the system will be displayed. On the other

hand, when Sign In option is selected, the user will be prompted to enter username,

password as shown in the figure. Eventually, the application checks whether username and

password both match with some entry in the database. If such entry found in the database,

then a welcome message Welcome [Name] will appear, otherwise an unsuccessful login

message Wrong username/password will be displayed. For message display, the swing dialogs can be used.

 Write a proper program to perform any operation on jagged array{java}

 Write a program to count the number of occurrences of each character in a string and store that number in an array.{java code}

Final Value with Appreciation

Given principal amount 

principal as an input, time period in years time and appreciation percentage apprPercentage as optional inputs, write a JS function to return the final value finalValue with the given appreciation percentage and time period. The default values for time and apprPercentage are 2 and 5 respectively.

Quick Tip

The formula to calculate the final value with appreciation is,

finalValue = principal * (1 + time * appreciation / 100)

The first line of input contains a number principal
The second line (optional) of input contains a number time
The third line (optional) of input contains a number apprPercentage
The output should be a single line containing the finalValue
Sample Input 1
Sample Output 1

Sample Input 2
Sample Output 2


sample input 2


helf me how to solve it

Write a program to take a String as input then display the words which starts with vowel and also display how many such words found.

For example:

Enter a String

HELLO world elePhaNt rUsh imagine

Words which start from vowel

elePhaNt imagine

No. of such words: 2

Build a category gui that adds different kinds of categories to arraylist. Then populate this data to JCombobox in another gui frame.

Develop a Java program for a car dealership shop that allows the dealer to enter the buying price of 5 cars and their models. the program then computes and displays the selling price and profit of each car the rate for selling price is 240% of buying price. Selling price = buying price * rate , profit = selling price - buying price .

SHUTDOWN The SHUTDOWN command, which is sent from the client to the server, is a single line message that allows a user to shutdown the server. A user that wants to shutdown the server should send the ASCII string "SHUTDOWN" followed by the newline character (i.e., '\n'). Upon receiving the SHUTDOWN command, the server should return the string "200 OK" (terminated with a newline), close all open sockets and files, and then terminate. A client-server interaction with the SHUTDOWN command looks like: c: SHUTDOWN s: 200 OK

LOGOUT Terminate only the client. The client exits when it receives the confirmation message from the server. A client-server interaction with the LOGOUT command looks like: C: LOGOUT S: 200 OK

Format You may work in a team of no more than two students. You may choose to work by yourself, or with one other person. Not 12 other people. Not 3 other people. Not 2 other people. Teams can be only 2 people.

LOGIN This is the command a client must initiate in order to gain access to anything on the server. It would be in the following format: C: LOGIN john john22 S: SUCCESS Or, if the login information is incorrect (username or password, or both are wrong): C: LOGIN dude dude111 S: FAILURE: Please provide correct username and password. Try again.

LIST Two options for this command: • With no flags, the LIST command returns a list of all the solutions requested by this particular user (e.g., john will only see the contents of john_solutions.txt) • With the -all flag o If the user is root, who is successfully logged in, the command lists all of the solutions requested (including root’s own) from all of the files, organized by username A regular (flagless) interaction might look like the following (see above commands issued under 

You will write two programs, a server and a client. The server creates a socket in the Internet domain the results to the requester. The client will also create a socket in the Internet domain, send requests to the SERVER_PORT of a computer specified on the command-line, and receive responses through this socket from a server. For this assignment, you just need to allow one active client to connect to the server. For this project, you will not allow new user sign-up or deletion of any of the users. bound to port SERVER_PORT (a constant you should define in both programs, you may use 4 digits of your birth year). The server receives requests through this socket, acts on those requests, and returns

Your client operates by sending LOGIN, SOLVE, LIST, SHUTDOWN, LOGOUT commands to the server. You should create a client that is able to send any of the commands above, and allows a user to specify which of the commands the client should send to the server. 

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