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Search & Filtering

Write a program using one-dimensional array that searches a number if it is found on the list of the given 5 input numbers and locate its exact location in the list.

Sample input/output dialogue:

Enter a list of numbers: 5 4 8 2 6 Enter a number to be searched: 2 2found in location 4

Create a program using one-dimensional array that searches a number if it is found on the list of the given 5 input numbers and locate it exact location in the list

Write a Java driven application that performs the following tasks:

1. Allow the user to decide on the length of an array that will be created at run time.

2. Enter integer elements into such an array

3. Sort the elements in ascending order (DO NOT USE bubble sort)

4. Search for a user specified element in the array and return the number of times

the searched key is observed (DO NOT USE linear search)

Write a program which consists of a single class called BuyStuff that asks the user for two amounts, adds them, calculates tax at 15%, shows the result to the user, and asks for money. It then compares if the person gave enough money. If so, it displays the amount of change to return otherwise it displays a message asking for more money

Create your own class named BankAccount that illustrates the use of encapsulation as shown above.

Make sure to include at least one setter and one getter for the class. Add variables and methods

related to a BankAccount class as many as you can.

Create a program using two-dimensional arrays that searches a number and displays the number of times it occurs on the list of 12 input values.

 Sample input/output dialogue:

            Enter twelve numbers:

       15   20 13 30 35 40 16 18 20 18 20

            Enter a number to search: 20

           Occurrence(s) : 3

Write a java program using two-dimensional arrays that determines the ODD numbers among the 12 input values typed from the keyboard and prints the list of these ODD numbers.

N a country of zombies each city has a certain percentage of zombies. Cities are designated as 1....

n a country of zombies each city has a certain percentage of zombies. Cities are designated as

1. A city[i] is magical if city[i] and city[i+1] have no common divisor other than 1.

2. A city is good if the percentage of zombies in the city[i] is more than percentage of zombies in city[i+1]

Find a city that is perfect, where perfect means both good and magical,

if there are more than one perfect cities, output the left-most city index. Also, the minimum number of cities in a country is 2 and there will be at least one perfect city

Input Specification:

input1: An array representing the percentage of zombies in each city

input2: Number of cities in the country

Output Specification:

Return the favourable city index "i

Create a Java program in jdoodle that will determine if the score is Passed/Failed. (10 is the passing score out of 20)

  • Will not accept special characters.
  • will not accept blank score.
  • will not accept if it's greater than 20.
  • will not accept if it's lesser than 1.

Create a class called Employee to represent the details of an Employee. a) Include the following data members to the Employee class. EmpId, name, address (all are string data) b) Your class should have a constructor that initializes all instance variables. c) Include a method called void Read() which will input the above values from the keyboard d) Include a method called void Print() to display the properties

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