Write an application for the Summerdale Condo Sales office; the program determines the price of a condominium. Ask the user to choose 1 for park view, 2 for golf course view, or 3 for lake view. The output is the name of the chosen view as well as the price of the condo. Park view condos are $150,000, condos with golf course views are $170,000, and condos with lake views are $210,000. If the user enters an invalid code, set the price to 0.
Add a prompt to the CondoSales application to ask the user to specify a (1) garage or a (2) parking space, but only if the view selection is valid. Add $5,000 to the price of any condo with a garage. If the parking value is invalid, display an appropriate message and assume that the price is for a condo with no garage.
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