Does quicksort use more comparisons than merge sort? Why is it faster if it uses more comparisons?
Expert's answer
For each type there are sorting your best / average / worst case. 1) worst case 2) the average case 3) The best case
Merge sort has the properties: 1) NlogN - the elements are taken alternately 2) NlogN - a random array, which is not better or worse 3) NlogN - the array elements are arranged so that at the confluence of sub-arrays are first written elements of the first subarray and then the elements of the second subarray
The bubble sort has the properties: An N ^ 2 - array sorted in reverse order with respect to the desired 2 N ^ 2 - a random array, which is not better or worse 3 N ^ 2 - the array is sorted according to specified criteria / / In the best case, the optimization of H
Therefore it is quicker to judge - it is impossible. At great length arrays show a sort very well. And the same sort on an array of small length is much longer than the usual bubble sort
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