Imagine a typical stock market scenario
• Trading happens 5 days a week. Exchanges are closed on weekends
• There are a fixed set of securities on which trading happens
• If one buys at low price and sells at a high price, one makes a profit. Vice-versa results in a loss
For purpose of this problem, assume that
• 1st of the month is a Monday and a month comprises of 30 days. Hence there are 22 working days
• There are no holidays on any week day
• There are only 5 securities listed on the exchange
• Price of a given security is constant for a given day
Given above assumptions, the following conventions are followed
• Input data comprises of price of the securities for all 22 working days of the month and your trade records
• Output is to find out position in terms of securities held and / or Profit/ Loss at the end of the month
Date will be always be between 1 and 30 (both inclusive)
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