Q3 class:
This class should have at least the following methods:
(i) main():
o Prompts the user for the date in dd/mm/yyyy format and reads the input from the keyboard.
o Calls the method inputValidation() (describe in (ii) below) to validate the date. If the date is valid, calls the method determineDayOfWeek() (describe in (iii) below) to determine the day of the week and display it. Otherwise, catch the exception thrown from the method and display the exception message.
(ii) inputValidation():
o Accepts the three integer values for day, month and year as the parameters.
o Checks whether these values form the correct date. Returns true if so.
[ Correct date has the year between 1900 and 2999, month between 1 and 12 and day according to the month: 30 days for Apr, Jun, Sept, Nov; 28 days for Feb in non-leap year and 29 days for Feb in leap year; 31 days for the other months. A year is a leap year if it is divisible by 4 but not divisible by 100 or divisible by 400. ]
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