how to add addUndoableEditListener to a jTable rows
I worked undo/redo function on a jTextField using code below. I tried to add UndoableEditListener to jTable but I got nothing.When you add a row to the table with wrong details then you should be able to erase that row using Control + Z as well as you press Control + Y the same row should be visible in the jTable with early mentioned values also. I think it's not implementing a CellEditor. Please help me on this.
final UndoManager undo = new UndoManager();
JTextField jTextField1 = new JTextField();
Document doc = jTextField1.getDocument();
doc.addUndoableEditListener(new UndoableEditListener() {
public void undoableEditHappened(UndoableEditEvent evt) {
jTextField1.getActionMap().put("undo", new AbstractAction("undo") {
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent arg0) {
try {
if (undo.canUndo()) {
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