Write a class Square whose constructor receives the height of the sides. Then supply methods to compute
-the area and parameter of the square
-the length of the diagonal (use the Pythagorean theorem)
Expert's answer
import java.util.*; import java.lang.*;
class Square { double height; public Square(double Hscan) { height = Hscan;} public double area(double H) {return H*H;} public double perimeter(double H) {return 4*H;} public double diagonal(double H) {return H*Math.sqrt(2);} public static void main (String[] args) { System.out.println("Enter the height of a square:"); System.out.print("the height = "); Scanner scan = new Scanner(System.in); String s = scan.nextLine(); double h = Double.parseDouble(s); Square sq = new Square(h); System.out.println("An area of the square = "+sq.area(h)+" with the height = "+h); System.out.println("A perimeter of the square = "+sq.perimeter(h)+" with the height = "+h); System.out.println("A lenght of the diagonal of the square = "+sq.diagonal(h)+" with the height = "+h); } }
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