Sara loves triangles. Whenever she sees three points she connects them by straight lines to form a triangle. In triangles, her favorite one is a right-angled triangle. If the triangle is not right-angled but it can be converted into one by moving one of the points exactly by distance 1 so, that all the coordinates remain integer, she calls such triangles "Special".
Given three points A, B, and C your task is to check if the formed triangle is "Right", "Special" or "Simpl
|X|, |Y| <= 10^9
Print "Right" if the triangle is right- angled, print "Special" if the triangle can be formed into a right- angled by moving one of the points exactly by distance 1, else print "Simple".
Sample Input:-
0 0
2 0
0 1
Sample Output:-
Sample Input:-
-1 0
2 0
0 1
Sample Output:-
Sample Input:-
-1 0
2 0
10 10
Sample Output:-
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