Create a JMenubar and its two JMenuS as follows: a. Private JMenuBar mainBar = new JMenuBar(); b. Private JMenu mainBar = new JMenu (\u201cFile\u201d); c. Private JMenu mainBar = new JMenu (\u201cDepartments\u201d); 3. Create the items that will appear within the menus. The File menu contains an Exit option. The Departments menu contains three submenus: ICT, THM, EDUCATION. Each of those submenus contains more options. a. ICT contains: Information Technology, Information Systems, and Associate Computer Technology b. THM contains: Hospitality Management and Tourism Management c. EDUCATION contains: Major in Math, Major in English, Major in MAPEH, and Major in Filipino. 4. If you select items in Departments Menu, change the following background: a. IT: BLUE b. IS: GREEN c. ASCT: YELLOW d. HM: PINK e. TM: WHITE f. Major in Math: RED g. Major in English: CYAN h. Major in MAPEH: VIOLET i. Major in Filipino: MAGENTA\n"}]}
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