Write the pseudocode for the following statement:
The program is to input an examination mark and test it for the award of a grade. The
mark is a whole number between 1 and 100.The program will receive the grade from the
user until the number of entered students is equal to 10 and this should now generate a
report for all the grade entered with the award description. Grades are awarded
according to the following criteria:
>= 80 Distinction
>= 60 Merit
>= 40 Pass
< 40 fail
for i= 1 to 10 do
Display "Input your examination mark "+i+": "
Read grade
if Grade>=80 then
print "Distinction"
if 80>=Grade>=60 then
print "Merit"
if 60>=Grade>=40 then
print "Pass"
if Grade<40
print "Fail"
end if
End for
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