Create a delivery class for a delivery service. The class contains fields to hold the following:
1. A deliver number that contains 8 digits. the first four digits represent the year, and the last four digits represent the delivery number. For ex, the 76th delivery in 2011 has a complete delivery number of 20110076.
2. A code representing the delivery area. A local delivery is code 1, and a long distance delivery is a code 2.
3. A weight, in pounds, of the item to be delivered,
4. The fee for the delivery, as follows:
Distance Weight Fee($)
1 Under 5 Pounds 12.00
1 5 - 20 lbs 16.50
1 Over 20 lbs 22.00
2 Under 5 lbs 35.00
2 5 lbs or more 47.95
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