amount of fuel that is left over in a vehicle after travelling a certain distance. The class should have instance variables tankCapacity to store initial size of the tank and efficiency to store initial efficiency of the vehicle. Also, set the variable fuel_ in_ tank to zero that is used to store initial fuel in tank. Include a method that returns ini_tank_size, ini_effi and fuel_in_tank. Include an method add_fuel that calculates how much fuel can be filled depending upon the fuel already in the tank and the capacity of the tank. Also, include a method drive_distance that returns how much distance can be travelled with the fuel available in the tank with the efficiency provided. Embed your class in a test program. You should decide which variables should be public, if any
class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Fuel_Monitor fuelMonitor = new Fuel_Monitor(2000, 0.6);
System.out.println("Fuel can be add: " + fuelMonitor.addFuel());
System.out.println("Fill the fuel tank");
System.out.println("Distance that can be driven now: " + fuelMonitor.driveDistance());
class Fuel_Monitor {
private int tankCapacity;
private double efficiency;
private int fuelInTank;
public Fuel_Monitor(int tankCapacity, double efficiency) {
this.tankCapacity = tankCapacity;
this.efficiency = efficiency;
this.fuelInTank = 0;
public int addFuel() {
return tankCapacity - fuelInTank;
public double driveDistance() {
return fuelInTank * efficiency;
public int getTankCapacity() {
return tankCapacity;
public double getEfficiency() {
return efficiency;
public int getFuelInTank() {
return fuelInTank;
public void setFuelInTank(int fuelInTank) {
this.fuelInTank = fuelInTank;
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