create hangman using ArrayList
* Version:
* $2$
* Revisions:
* $1$
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.Scanner;
* This is a hangman game
* @author Sahil Jasrotia
* @author Lokesh Agrawal
public class HangMan
//ArrayList for storing names of Players
static ArrayList<String> playerList = new ArrayList<String>();
//ArrayList for storing the random words alloted to the players
static ArrayList<String> playerWord = new ArrayList<String>();
//ArrayList for storing the scores of the players
static ArrayList<Integer> playerScore = new ArrayList<Integer>();
//ArrayList for storing the wrong guesses of the players
static ArrayList<String> wrongGuesses = new ArrayList<String>();
//ArrayList for displaying the part of the word that the player has already
static ArrayList<String> guessedWord = new ArrayList<String>();
//ArrayList for storing the winning status of the player
static ArrayList<Integer> winCheck = new ArrayList<Integer>();
//2D array for drawing hangman
static String hangManArray[][] = new String[10][10];
* The main program.
* @param args command line arguments are used as file location
public static void main(String args[])
Scanner input = new Scanner(;
System.out.println("How many players are going to play? ");
int noOfPlayers = input.nextInt();
// Taking player names and allocates a randomly generated word to each player
for(int playerName = 0; playerName<noOfPlayers; playerName++)
System.out.println("Enter the name of Player" +(playerName+1));
//loop to initialize player score and initialize guessesWord
//loop to initialize the 2d array which is used for drawing hangman
/*Outer for loop for 8 correct chances to each player and inner for
*loop chance of each player one by one(alternatively)
for(int totalChances = 0; totalChances<8; totalChances++)
skipForWin: for(int currPlayer = 0; currPlayer<noOfPlayers; currPlayer++)
// Skip the chance of current player if he had already guessed
// the whole word
continue skipForWin;
//To notify the player of his chance
System.out.println("Chance"+(totalChances+1) + " of " +
//To print the part of the word which player has already guess
System.out.println("Word: " +guessedWord.get(currPlayer));
//To print the alphabets which the player guessed wrong
System.out.println("Misses: " +wrongGuesses.get(currPlayer));
System.out.print("Guess: " );
String guess =;
/* checkGuess is a function which returns -1 if player has
* entered correct alphabet and the current player gets 1
* more chance and the function returns 0 if the current
* player has entered wrong alphabet and now next player
* gets the chance to guess
currPlayer = currPlayer + checkGuess(currPlayer,guess);
/* When the game is finished: scorePlayerSort function sorts the score
* and player list in order of highest to lowest score
//Below loop prints the player name and their scores
for(int currentPlayer = 0; currentPlayer<noOfPlayers;currentPlayer++)
System.out.println(playerList.get(currentPlayer) +": " +
playerScore.get(currentPlayer) );
* This method generates random word from a given text file
* @param args location of input text file
* @return Returns the randomly generated word
public static String generateWord(String args)
String randomWordRead = ""; // Stores random word read from file
int readWordCounter = 0; // Counter to read words from file
int numberOfWords=0; // Stores total no. of words from file
String readLine = "";
try {
// Read file
Scanner sc = new Scanner(new File(args));
// Calculates total number of words from a file.
// Reading file
sc = new Scanner(new File(args));
// Generating random number to read a random word from file
int randomWordNumber = randomNo(numberOfWords);
while (sc.hasNext() && readWordCounter < randomWordNumber) {
readWordCounter = readWordCounter + 1;
readLine = sc.nextLine();
randomWordRead = readLine;
catch (FileNotFoundException e)
return randomWordRead;
* This method prints the generated hangman
* @param None
* @return None
public static void printHangMan()
// Loop through the entire 2D array to display Hangman image
for (int row = 0; row < 10; row++)
for (int column = 0; column < 10; column++)
* This method draws the hangman in 2d array
* @param chance The numbers of misses guesses
* @return None
public static void drawHangMan(int chance)
// The hangman will be erected from bottom to top, that is first gallos
// base will be made and then step by step hangman will be generated.
// we do not need add break in the cases because when players misses
// word after 8 chances then complete image of hangman is created.
case 8:
// Create legs of man
hangManArray[6][6] = "/";
hangManArray[7][5] = "/";
hangManArray[6][8] = "\\";
hangManArray[7][9] = "\\";
case 7:
// Create hands of man
hangManArray[4][6] = "/";
hangManArray[5][5] = "/";
hangManArray[4][8] = "\\";
hangManArray[5][9] = "\\";
case 6:
// Create tummy of man
for(int i = 3; i <= 5; i++)
hangManArray[i][7] = "|";
case 5:
// Create eyes and nose of man
hangManArray[2][6] = "*";
hangManArray[2][7] = "!";
hangManArray[2][8] = "*";
case 4:
// Create face of man
hangManArray[2][5] = "(";
hangManArray[2][9] = ")";
case 3:
// Create gallos
for(int i = 3; i <= 7; i++)
hangManArray[0][i] = "#";
hangManArray[1][7] = "#";
case 2:
// Create gallos
for(int i = 0; i <= 8; i++)
hangManArray[i][2] = "#";
case 1:
// Create base of gallos
for(int i = 0; i <= 4; i++)
hangManArray[9][i] = "#";
* This method initializes the 2d array with blank spaces before printing
* hangman image
* @param None
* @return None
public static void initialize2dArray()
// Initialize the 2d array with blank spaces before printing the
// actual image of hangman.
for (int row = 0; row < 10; row++)
for (int column = 0; column < 10; column++)
hangManArray[row][column] = " ";
* When the game is finished: scorePlayerSort function sorts the score
* & player list in order of highest to lowest score. Bubble sort has
* been used
* @param noOfPlayers Total number of players playing
* @return None *
public static void scorePlayerSort(int noOfPlayers)
/* Outer and inner loop will get executed (noOfPlayers-1) times.
* Inner loop compares the score of current player with next
* player and swaps if the score of next player is higher
for(int loopCount = 0; loopCount<noOfPlayers-1; loopCount++)
for(int currPlayer = 0; currPlayer<noOfPlayers-1; currPlayer++)
//score swaps
int temp = playerScore.get(currPlayer);
playerScore.set(currPlayer, playerScore.get(currPlayer+1));
playerScore.set(currPlayer+1, temp);
//Name also swaps if score swaps
String tempName = playerList.get(currPlayer);
playerList.set(currPlayer, playerList.get(currPlayer+1));
playerList.set(currPlayer+1, tempName);
* This method is for generating random integers
* @param wordCount Total number of words in a file
* @return Returns the random number to choose word from the file
public static int randomNo(int wordCount)
Random rand = new Random();
int randomNumber = rand.nextInt(wordCount);
return randomNumber;
* function for initializing array lists of playerScore, guessedWord,
* wrongGuesses and setting winCheck length to the length of the word
* alloted to the current player
* @param wordCount Total number of words in a file
* @return Returns the random number to choose word from the file
public static void intializeScrGwd(int noOfPlayers)
for(int currentPlayer=0;currentPlayer<noOfPlayers;currentPlayer++)
/*loop for printing the intial word to the user in the format of:
* "_ _ _ _ _ _"(number of underscores depend on the size of word)
for(int currentPlayer=0;currentPlayer<noOfPlayers; currentPlayer++)
for(int j = 0;j<playerWord.get(currentPlayer).length();j++)
+"_ ");
/** This function is comparing the guess of the player with his word
* and validating the following things:
* 1.If the guess is correct then increments scores by 10
* 2.If the guess is not correct then decrements the score by 5
* 3.Updates the guessedWord by replacing the underscore with the
* correct alphabet guessed
* 4.Updates wrong guesses of the player by adding the incorrect guess
* to the list
* @param currentPlayer Current playing player
* guess The guess that current player has guessed
* @return -1 if guess is correct and returns 0 if guess is not
* correct
public static int checkGuess(int currentPlayer, String guess)
String word = playerWord.get(currentPlayer);
int flag = 0, score = 0;
/* loop to compare the guess with the word and if matches then
* updates the score and give one more chance to the player and
* if not matches then also updates the score and give the chance
* to the next player
for(int i = 0; i<word.length(); i++)
String already = Character.toString
flag = flag + 1;
StringBuilder replace =
new StringBuilder(guessedWord.get(currentPlayer));
replace.setCharAt(2*i, word.charAt(i));
String p = replace.toString();
guessedWord.set(currentPlayer, p);
playerScore.set(currentPlayer, playerScore.get(currentPlayer)+
winCheck.set(currentPlayer, winCheck.get(currentPlayer)-flag);
return -1;
// Create the hangman with respect to number of wrong guesses
// print it.
return 0;
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