Create a class customer having id, name, gender, and bill provide appropriate getters/setters and constructors also provide toString method. In the Store class, make an ArrayList of customers, store name, and address implement methods
public void addSale(Customer c) that will add customers to the arraylist.
public void RemoveCustomer(int id);
public void UpdateCustomerRecord(int Id);
public displayAll();
public String nameOfBestCustomer() to record the sale and return the name of the customer with the largest sale.
public ArrayList nameOfBestCustomers(int topN)
 so that it displays the top customers, that is, the topN customers with the largest sales, where topN is a value that the user of the program supplies.
Write a program that prompts following menu and
1. Add Customer record
2. Delete Customer record
3. Update Customer record
4. View all Customers
5. View Best Customer.
6. Find Customer by ID.
  Exit: Ask the user to enter his/her choice then perform the desired function as long as he/she wants.
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