You are recently hired by BKJob as a Trainee Developer under the Mentorship program. You are
deployed with Team Edu as your start.
Team Edu is currently working on a Project that involves Object Oriented Programming skills; hence,
the team leader has assigned you the task to develop a report comprising of the following:
• Examine the object-oriented programming paradigm characteristics and develop a professionally
formatted report that would include these characteristics (i.e., Encapsulation, polymorphism,
constructors/destructors, sub-objects, abstract/concrete, interface, method, redefinition,
generics/templates, containers, etc. Also include the information about class relationships like
generalization/Inheritance, realization, dependency, aggregation, composition, etc.
• Determine the design patterns from each of the creational, structural and behavioral pattern types
• Analyze the relationship between the OOP paradigm and the design patterns
public class Mahindra implements ParentTracktor {
int speed=0;
int gear=1;
public void changeTracktorGear( int value){
public void speedUpTracktorEngine( int increment)
public void applyTracktorBrakes(int decrement)
void printStates(){
public static void main(String[] args) {
Mahindra m= new Mahindra();
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