Create an algorithm for this problem.(5 points)Create the pseudocode for this problem. (5 points) Create the flowchart for this problem (5 points)Code the solution for this problem
•You must have a method called happyVerse and this method must include the print out statements for 1 verse of your song(2 points)•Your happyVerse must take in 2 arguments (set up 2 parameters to accept the action and sound that will be passed in from the main method)(3points)•Your main method must call the happyVerse method 3 times:(3points)
oAction: “clap your hands”Sound:“clap” oAction: “stomp your feet” Sound: “stomp”oAction: “shout Hurray!’Sound: ‘hoo-ray”•Your program compiles and prints 3 verses of the “If You’re Happy and You Know It” song (2points)
def happyVerse(action, sound):
print(action, sound)
def main():
happyVerse('clap your hands', 'clap')
happyVerse('stomp your feet', 'stomp')
happyVerse('shout Hurray!', 'hoo-ray')
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