Superclass - Shape
Subclasses - Circle and Rectangle are subclasses of Shape superclass
To store an array of shapes in the Tester class
Each class contains the default and parameterized constructor
Each instance variable is declared as private ie accessed only by the getters and setters method.
each instance in an array is accessed by for loop.
* The class super Shape
public class Shape {
private String color;
private boolean fill;
* parameterized constructor
* @param color
* @param fill
public Shape(String color, boolean fill) {
this.color = color;
this.fill = fill;
* default constructor
public Shape() {
* @return the color
public String getColor() {
return color;
* @param color the color to set
public void setColor(String color) {
this.color = color;
* @return the fill
public boolean isFill() {
return fill;
* @param fill the fill to set
public void setFill(boolean fill) {
this.fill = fill;
// This method return perimeter of the shape
public double perimeter() {
return 0;
// This method return area of the shape
public double area() {
return 0;
// This method print shape details
public void info() {
System.out.println("Shape Color: " + getColor());
System.out.println("Filled status: " + isFill());
public class Circle extends Shape {
// instance variable
private double radius;
* @param color
* @param fill
* @param radius
public Circle(String color, boolean fill, double radius) {
super(color, fill);
this.radius = radius;
* default constructor
public Circle() {
* @return the radius
public double getRadius() {
return radius;
* @param radius the radius to set
public void setRadius(double radius) {
this.radius = radius;
// This method return perimeter of the shape circle
public double perimeter() {
return 2 * Math.PI * radius;
// This method return area of the shape circle
public double area() {
return Math.PI * radius * radius;
// This method print shape details Circle
public void info() {
System.out.println("Circle Color: " + getColor());
System.out.println("Filled status: " + isFill());
System.out.println("Circle Area: " + area());
System.out.println("Circle Perimeter: " + perimeter());
public class Rectangle extends Shape {
// instance variables
private double width;
private double height;
* @param color
* @param fill
* @param width
* @param height
public Rectangle(String color, boolean fill, double width, double height) {
super(color, fill);
this.width = width;
this.height = height;
* default constructor
public Rectangle() {
* @return the width
public double getWidth() {
return width;
* @param width the width to set
public void setWidth(double width) {
this.width = width;
* @return the height
public double getHeight() {
return height;
* @param height the height to set
public void setHeight(double height) {
this.height = height;
// This method return perimeter of the shape Rectangle
public double perimeter() {
return 2 * (width + height);
// This method return area of the shape Rectangle
public double area() {
return width * height;
// This method print shape details Rectangle
public void info() {
System.out.println("Rectangle Color: " + getColor());
System.out.println("Filled status: " + isFill());
System.out.println("Rectangle Area: " + area());
System.out.println("Rectangle Perimeter: " + perimeter());
public class Test {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Create an Shape array
Shape[] shapes = new Shape[2];
// Create an object of Circle
Circle circle = new Circle("RED", true, 5);
// Create an object of Rectangle
Rectangle rectangle = new Rectangle("Blue", false, 3, 2);
// add instances to an array
shapes[0] = circle;
shapes[1] = rectangle;
// loop array and print details of each shape
for (int i = 0; i < shapes.length; i++) {
Circle Color: RED
Filled status: true
Circle Area: 78.53981633974483
Circle Perimeter: 31.41592653589793
Rectangle Color: Blue
Filled status: false
Rectangle Area: 6.0
Rectangle Perimeter: 10.0
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