Write a Java application and use a two-dimensional array that will store the five top artist sales for 2017. The application must also hold the artist sales for CDs, DVDs and BLU RAY items. Do not forget to use the marking guideline on the next page to see how the marks are allocated for this question. Your program must: Q.1.1 Create a two-dimensional array to contain the three sale items for five different artists. A single array must be used to store the artist names. ARTIST NAME CD SALES DVD SALES BLU RAY SALES Ed Sheeran 900 000 800 000 500 000 Pink 700 000 500 000 500 000 Bruno Mars 800 000 100 000 50 000 Foo Fighters 100 000 200 000 200 000 Taylor Swift 300 000 100 000 50 000 Q.1.2 Allow a user to enter in a number, ranging from 1 to 5, which will represent the artist position with regards to the album sales. Q.1.3 Printout the artist name including the CD, DVD, BLU RAY sales amounts and total sales.
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